What’s Connected to Bile Duct Obstruction?

The causes of bile duct obstruction are complex and not yet fully understood. They may include congenital bile duct malformation, viral infection, pancreaticobiliary ductal atresia, and bile acid metabolism disorders. It is generally believed that it is not a chromosomal issue. However, it has been found that congenital bile duct malformation is less common, with congenital pancreaticobiliary ductal atresia being more common. This is a congenital anomaly where the pancreatic and bile ducts do not meet within the wall of the duodenum during embryogenesis but instead meet outside the wall. In such cases, surgical treatment is more effective, and medication is unnecessary. Postoperatively, it is important to prevent wound infection and to pay attention to supplementing high-quality proteins to promote wound healing.
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What’s the Disease When a Child Suddenly Clenches Their Fists, Shakes, and Cries?

If a child suddenly clenches their fists, shakes, and cries, it may be epilepsy. It’s crucial to follow medical instructions promptly and avoid self-medication or discontinuation of medication. If medication is not effective, surgery may be considered. Maintain emotional stability, avoid overexertion, and closely monitor the child’s condition. Untreated or improperly treated epilepsy can rapidly worsen and cause severe harm to the child. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to their child’s condition and seek treatment early.
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