Baby’s Defecation Issues Explained

An eight-month-old baby is experiencing infrequent stools, a blackish-green color, and foam-like mucus. This may be due to excessive intake of starchy or sugary foods. It is recommended to adjust the diet structure and provide age-appropriate complementary foods.
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Baby’s Diarrhea Issues

A 2-month-old baby has a bowel movement every 5 days or so, during which there is often overflow of stool around the anus. Sometimes, they can’t pass stool when sitting on the toilet, and this happens about twice a day. What is the situation?
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Baby’s Diarrhea Not Improving After Taking Medicine

If a baby’s diarrhea doesn’t improve after taking medicine like Mommy Love and Simida, it could be due to enteritis or dysentery. It’s advisable to take the child to the hospital for a stool routine test and blood routine test for a definitive diagnosis, so that timely symptomatic treatment can be administered, preventing any delay in the condition. If it’s dysentery, prompt intravenous anti-inflammatory and fluid replacement therapy should be administered.
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