Baby at 75 Days Old, Had Diarrhea After Taking Montmorillonite Powder, Started Diarrhea Again Today. Is It Okay to Take Probiotics at the Same Time?

Based on the described situation, the baby may have diarrhea due to various reasons such as viral, bacterial infections, or improper diet. It is recommended to find the root cause of the diarrhea and treat it accordingly. If the baby shows moderate to severe dehydration symptoms, intravenous fluid replacement may be necessary. Meanwhile, maintaining breastfeeding is beneficial for the baby’s health, and probiotics and montmorillonite powder can be considered for treating diarrhea.
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Baby at 80 Days, Vomits After Every Feeding, What to Do?

At three months old, the baby vomits after every feeding, sometimes accompanied by nausea, dry heaves, or even coughing from choking. This is because the baby’s digestive system is not fully developed. It is recommended to hold the baby upright after feeding and gently pat their back to help the milk enter the stomach and reduce vomiting. Additionally, ensuring the baby’s comfort and monitoring their feeding behavior are also important. If necessary, consult a pediatrician for more detailed advice and diagnosis.
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