Feeling of Foreign Object in Esophagus: Symptoms and Treatment

The patient described a persistent sensation of a foreign object in the esophagus, similar to the feeling of being too full, yet accompanied by a feeling of hunger. This symptom usually subsides after drinking water or belching, but there has been no improvement. It is recommended to undergo a gastroscopy to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.
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Five-Month-Old Baby Experiencing Diarrhea, Stool Shows Yellow-Green Color with Mucus, Four to Five Times Daily, Baby in Good Spirits, Naps and Eating Normal

A five-month-old baby is experiencing diarrhea with yellow-green stool accompanied by mucus, occurring four to five times daily. The baby is in good spirits, napping and eating normally. Previous treatment and effects: taken probiotics. Seeking assistance: what disease is it, and what medication can treat it?
One minute to read

Five-Month-Old Baby Keeps Vomiting Without Anything Coming Out: Possible Causes and How to Handle

A five-month-old baby has been experiencing vomiting without any regurgitation of substances. Possible causes include indigestion, gastrointestinal dysfunction, cough or sputum irritating the recurrent laryngeal nerve, side effects of certain medications, and rare infectious brain diseases. Parents are advised to carefully read the instructions for the baby’s medication and change the medication if gastrointestinal side effects are detected. At the same time, observe the baby’s condition changes, including whether the vomiting is projectile, the appearance of stools, and urine output. Oral digestive aids can be tried; if there is no improvement, the baby should be taken to a doctor immediately to avoid delaying the condition.
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