Causes and Treatments of Childhood Digestive Disorders

Childhood digestive disorders may be caused by dyspepsia, symptoms including increased frequency of bowel movements and undigested food residues in the stool. It is recommended to take stomachic and digestant tablets and probiotic medications for treatment, and intravenous therapy may be required if the condition does not improve.
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Causes and Treatments of Diarrhea

Frequent diarrhea may be due to indigestion caused by colds, poor diet, or may be caused by enteritis. Treatment can include symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication and gastrointestinal tonics. Adjustments to diet and lifestyle may also be recommended.
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Causes and Treatments of Diarrhea

A child has had diarrhea for three days, accompanied by vomiting, no fever. Vomited after taking medicine. The child is not feeling well, and vomiting continues even after medication. The child ate a lychee and a small amount of Activia yogurt in the morning before the diarrhea started. Everything the child has eaten since then has been vomited, except water. No fever for three days. Now the child is not feeling well, and vomiting continues even after taking medication. Is it a food issue or caused by a virus infection?
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Causes of Abdominal Pain with Nausea in Children

A 5-year-old girl has been experiencing abdominal pain and nausea for about 4 months. The doctor diagnosed it as a common symptom, usually requiring no special examination or treatment. However, it is important to note any other symptoms such as night pain, frequent vomiting, nocturnal diarrhea, stools with mucus and/or blood, growth and development stagnation, or even regression, as well as longer-term gastrointestinal symptoms like fever or rash. If none of these symptoms are present, continued observation is recommended; otherwise, a hospital visit is necessary. Additionally, addressing constipation issues in children can be improved by adjusting the diet and establishing a regular bowel habit.
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