At four months old, the baby has a bowel movement after every meal, ten times eating, ten times pooping. It could be due to weak spleen and stomach, and traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture treatments can alleviate the symptoms.
Discuss the causes and treatment methods of baby’s green stool and chronic diarrhea
A baby fed exclusively with formula milk started changing to a different formula after about fifteen days of birth, and days later began to pass green stools, which continued until three months old. The stool occasionally contains black or yellow, and the baby has poor quality sleep. Inquiring whether this situation is normal and how to improve it.
A baby over a year old has been experiencing repeated diarrhea. This could be due to indigestion or enteritis, and it’s important to check stool samples to determine the cause, while also being aware of potential intestinal dysfunction caused by a cold.
Discusses the situation of a seven-month-old baby experiencing frequent bowel movements and changes in stool consistency.
If a baby’s stool is abnormal, it’s important to pay attention to the possible causes and treatment methods.
After 30 days, a baby’s stool becomes loose with blood and purulent foam. Attention should be paid to possible intestinal infections or other abnormal symptoms, and medical consultation should be sought promptly.
This article discusses the possible causes and treatment methods for infants with abnormal stool color.
Possible causes and treatment suggestions for a baby’s green stool and unusual odor.
How to Understand When a Baby’s Stool Turns Green and Accompanied by White Material?