Dealing with Swallowing Difficulties Caused by Pediatric Tonsillitis: How to Adjust Diet?

When children suffer from tonsillitis and experience swallowing difficulties, in addition to timely medical treatment, appropriate dietary adjustments can also provide relief. It is recommended to increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, and easily digestible foods, while avoiding irritants that may worsen symptoms, such as beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood. Additionally, fostering good habits like healthy eating, early to bed and early to rise, and moderate exercise can help strengthen children’s resistance to diseases.
One minute to read

How to Adjust Diet for a Four-Month-Old Baby with Abnormal Urine Glucose

A four-month-old baby has repeatedly tested positive for urine glucose with a result of 4+ in multiple urine tests. Although blood tests show normal blood sugar and kidney function, the doctor suggests further examination in major cities like Beijing or Shanghai. As a breastfeeding mother, what precautions should I take, what foods should I eat, and what foods should I avoid?
2 minutes to read