What to Do About My Son’s Diarrhea?

My son is just one year old, and for the past few days, he has been having two to three bowel movements a day, which are not formed. His appetite is normal. Before, he had one bowel movement a day, which was well-formed. A few days ago, I gave him a digestion pill, and I’m not sure if it was too strong for the medication. What other medicine should I give him? Thank you for the expert advice.
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What to Do After a Child’s Viral Fever and Upper Respiratory Infection?

Ten days ago, a child experienced three days of viral fever and was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. After the fever subsided, the child had diarrhea for three to four days, which improved after medication and three days of intravenous fluid therapy. However, the child has now started to be restless and cry awake at night, sometimes crying loudly. Monthly routine checks show continued viral infection, an ultrasound shows no abnormalities in the abdomen, and the results of the myocardial enzyme test indicate elevated levels of myocardial enzymes, but not related to the viral infection. What should we do?
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