Baby Diarrhea and Indigestion Issues and Solutions

A three-month-old baby often has diarrhea, with acidic stools and milk curds, appearing in a watery consistency. There are yellow stains on the baby’s buttocks between each diaper change, causing some redness and swelling. This issue has persisted for over a month, but no abnormalities were found after examination. The baby has never received treatment, and the parents are seeking advice on how to treat and help the baby recover.
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Baby Diarrhea for Over Twenty Days Without Improvement, What Should Be Done?

A four-month-old baby has been suffering from diarrhea for over twenty days, and despite trying medication and injections, there has been no improvement. Routine stool tests show the presence of 2-4 white blood cells. I would like to know what medication to give the baby and what precautions to take. Someone suggested using pomegranate seeds and honey to make a drink. Is this okay? Thank you!
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