Gestational diabetes has a 5% chance of developing into clinical diabetes. After delivery, it is crucial to continue regular treatment and control blood sugar levels. Even with normal blood sugar levels, avoid overeating and maintain a regular eating schedule. Regularly check blood sugar levels to monitor the condition and adjust treatment. Adopting a healthy lifestyle afterward is beneficial and harmless to the body. Unhealthy habits can lead to many diseases, including diabetes.
Inquire about whether high fasting blood sugar during the postpartum breastfeeding period affects the baby and how to follow a low-sugar diet.
Diabetic patients have observed a significant weight loss after taking metformin. Is this phenomenon related to the medication?
Will pediatric diabetes heal on its own?
Concerns about whether taking gluconate calcium can lead to diabetes are addressed by doctors below.
The risk of inheriting diabetes is not absolute, and it often occurs across generations.
What is the probability of inheriting diabetes, and how can diabetics safely conceive?
The patient sought medical attention due to numbness in both feet and neck swelling, with blood sugar levels reaching 22, possibly involving diabetes complications, and requiring further examination and treatment.