How to Handle a 1.5-Year-Old Baby’s Cough with Phlegm

A 1.5-year-old baby is experiencing cough with phlegm, along with clear runny nose and slight nasal congestion. The baby started having a fever three days ago, with a high fever of 39°C the night before yesterday. After taking antipyretic medication, the fever subsided, but it rose again to 38.8°C yesterday. After taking the antipyretic medication this morning, the fever returned once more. After a physical examination, the doctor noted wheezing sounds in the baby and diagnosed it as bronchitis, prescribing Jin Zhen Oral Liquid, Mah Ling Qing Fei Syrup, Cefaclor, and Ambroxol Oral Solution. The baby’s condition improved after taking the medication, but the fever continued to recur, and there is hesitation about giving frequent doses of antipyretics. How should this be handled?
One minute to read

How to Handle a 2-Year-Old’s Cough?

My 2-year-old has a cough that only occurs during the day and feels like there’s phlegm in the throat. The first supplementary question: Could it be caused by eating sugar? What medications are effective for treating cough with no side effects?
2 minutes to read