Treatment Methods for a 7-Month-Old Baby with Phlegm in the Throat, Coughing, and Vomiting Milk While Sleeping

How to treat a 7-month-old baby who has phlegm in the throat, coughs, and vomits milk while sleeping? The baby is in good spirits and appetite, weighing 10 kilograms. She has had phlegm for the past 3 days, and started coughing and vomiting milk on the third day. She has iron and zinc deficiencies and has a history of laryngeal cartilage softening. What were the past treatment situations and effects? She is currently taking Ettanquity 3.5 milliliters twice a day; Ceftizoxime 30 milligrams twice a day; and Children’s Lung Clearing Syrup 1.5 milliliters twice a day. How should I assist?
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