How to Handle Persistent Cough in Children

Persistent cough in children may be related to infections, environmental irritants, allergies, abnormal respiratory system function, or dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Treatment should focus on anti-infection, expectoration, asthma relief, and lung clearing. Daily health enhancement and elimination of triggers are recommended. If the cough persists, medication should be used promptly to quickly cure the cough, restore chest pressure balance, avoid delayed disease progression due to inappropriate treatment, and reduce the risk of complications.
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How to Handle Persistent Cough in Children?

A 9-year-old child frequently coughs, has phlegm and yellow sputum, and experiences hiccups. Previous treatment and effectiveness: The child has taken anti-inflammatory medication for a while without improvement. They have also been using saline nasal irrigation. Seeking help: What could be the issue?
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