Treatment Consultation for Hydrocephalus Without a Brain
Learn how to prevent children from suffering from congenital biliary atresia through prenatal screening and pregnancy care.
Congenital preauricular sinus is common and generally does not affect hearing, but it may be accompanied by an infection risk. Treatment can include antibiotic therapy or surgical removal depending on the situation.
The impact of microtia on children primarily manifests in physical defects and hearing impairments or loss.
Explore the potential growth and development, as well as intellectual impact of Toxoplasmosis infection in newborns, and the potential symptoms of congenital toxoplasmosis.
This article discusses the symptoms, treatment, and measures parents should take for congenital mental retardation.
Treatment methods are determined based on the severity and type of stenosis. For mild and severe stenosis, the respective treatments are anal dilation and surgical treatment.
Congenital preauricular fistula may not require treatment if asymptomatic, but if infected and abscessed, antibiotic therapy or incision and drainage should be performed.
Understand the causes, effects, and treatment methods of hip dysplasia in children, as well as the importance of early treatment.
Understanding the symptoms, treatment methods, and impact on infant growth of congenital hydrocephalus.