Duration of Facial Palsy Sequelae

Patients with facial palsy, if not treated promptly, may develop complications. Generally, if treated within three months of onset, the condition can gradually improve. However, if the disease persists beyond three months and treatment is ineffective, complications may gradually arise. Therefore, the first three months of treatment are crucial, and methods such as acupuncture and massage can help alleviate symptoms for patients.
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Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Fever and Abdominal Pain: Is It a Complication?

After two days of fever from hand, foot, and mouth disease, abdominal pain appeared at night. Although the fever subsided later, the pain persisted severely, making it difficult to sleep. After taking symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication for the hand, foot, and mouth disease, the pain improved. Is this abdominal pain a complication?
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