Common Symptoms of Pediatric Tonsillitis

Common symptoms of pediatric tonsillitis include sore throat, persistent low fever or sudden high fever, headache, body aches, and chills. In severe cases, complications such as acute glomerulonephritis, acute rheumatic fever, and rheumatic endocarditis may occur. If the child’s condition continues to worsen, it is advisable for parents not to delay and to seek treatment as soon as possible.
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Complications of Neonatal Edema

Neonatal edema is prone to bleeding, particularly pulmonary hemorrhage, due to low body temperature, slow blood flow, and increased permeability of capillaries. This situation is very dangerous, and children often die because they are difficult to rescue. Therefore, early detection of the condition and timely treatment are crucial. The most prominent symptom is skin changes, initially the skin feels cool, hard, and not easily pinched; then it swells and has pressure when indented. It is commonly found on the outer skin of the calves and thighs. In severe cases, the skin on the face may become hard. Sometimes blood bubbles may appear from the nose and mouth, with weak breathing, all of which are signs of critical illness and require immediate hospitalization.
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