Chromosome Abnormalities May Be Linked to Cystic Hygroma: Further Diagnosis and Recommendations from a 13-Week Ultrasound Examination

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination indicates a possible cystic hygroma. To further confirm if the fetus has chromosomal issues, it is recommended to undergo amniocentesis or non-invasive DNA testing.
One minute to read

Chromosome Screening: Understanding the Examination and Diagnosis of Fetal Chromosome Abnormalities

Down syndrome screening is a method that involves drawing a pregnant woman’s serum to detect the concentration of alpha-fetoprotein and human chrionic gonadotropin (HCG) hormone in the maternal serum, and combines the woman’s due date, age, weight, and gestational age at the time of blood draw to calculate the risk coefficient of giving birth to a Down syndrome child.
2 minutes to read