When a Child Has Tonsillitis and Fever, What Dietary Precautions Should Be Taken?

When a child exhibits symptoms of tonsillitis and fever, it’s crucial to seek medical attention promptly and pay attention to their diet. It’s recommended to consume more vegetables and fruits, which are not only light and easy to digest but also rich in vitamins and trace elements, helping to enhance the child’s immunity and resistance to diseases. For instance, the peel of tangerines is rich in vitamin C, offering good anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, preparing easy-to-digest congee and well-cooked noodles for the child is also a good choice. While avoiding irritants (such as poultry eggs, donkey meat, and beef and mutton), it’s also important to help the child develop good eating habits, maintain hygiene, and cultivate the habit of not being picky or partial to food.
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