Can Early Puberty in Children Be Treated?

My daughter is only 10 years old and just started third grade. She already had her first period. All her friends from home are around 13 years old when they get their first period. Everyone says my daughter is premature. This early onset of menstruation might affect her growth. Is there any way to make her period stop? Can early puberty in children be treated? Currently, children are experiencing early menstruation, which is a sign of premature sexual gland development. In this situation, it is recommended to first observe without intervention. Check the child’s sex hormones. If the hormone levels are relatively stable, no special treatment is needed. Observe closely and avoid foods containing hormones.
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How to Determine If a Child Is Going Through Early Puberty

My daughter is 11 years old and just started her period today. Half a year ago, I noticed that her breasts began to develop. Does this mean she is experiencing early puberty? How can we predict if a child is going through early puberty? Besides breast development, are there other characteristics that can help determine if a child is going through early puberty? I haven’t given her too many out-of-season foods or junk food.
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