How to Handle a Baby’s Nasal Congestion and Crying

When a baby has a stuffy nose and runs a nose, certain measures can be taken to alleviate symptoms, such as maintaining a humid environment, applying warm compresses to the root of the nose, and observing the baby’s overall condition. In case of any abnormalities, it is advisable to take the baby to the doctor promptly.
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How to Handle a Child Not Sweating After Taking Fever Medicine

After taking fever-reducing medicine, the child did not sweat and experienced intermittent low fever. An emergency department diagnosis confirmed a viral infection, with blood routine tests showing an elevated neutrophil ratio, normal white blood cells, and CRP levels. The child is currently taking antiviral oral liquid, had a fever three times that day, and inquired about the opinion on alternating fever-reducing medicine.
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How to Handle a Child’s Fear of Noises?

A child’s fear of noises may be due to their innate temperament or early traumatic experiences. As children grow and are exposed to more external stimuli, they usually become braver and more adaptable. Parents can help enhance their child’s ability to adapt to noises by taking them out more often, exposing them to crowds and various sounds. Additionally, some forms of medication can be used as an auxiliary treatment.
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