Is it harmful for a breastfeeding baby to eat instant noodles?
The baby is five months old, but there’s not enough breast milk, and the mother is worried about it affecting the child’s growth and development.
At two months old, when the weather turns cold, should the baby sleep alone or with Mom?
How to correctly wash baby clothing to minimize skin irritation for the baby
A baby may suddenly cry after falling asleep, possibly due to a lack of trace elements. It is generally recommended to supplement calcium and vitamin D, and to expose the baby to sunlight appropriately. If the situation persists, it is advisable to take the baby to a pediatrician for a detailed examination.
If a baby frequently drinks water and shows a lack of energy after having diarrhea, it may be a symptom of enteritis. It is recommended to conduct a routine stool examination for diagnosis and to take symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. In severe cases, intravenous fluid therapy may be required to correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Regular check-ups are necessary to monitor recovery progress.
Describes the symptoms of baby dyspepsia and treatment suggestions.
Understand the aftereffects of a baby falling and how to deal with them.
Solutions for Babies Waking Up Frequently at Night and Quitting Nighttime Feeding
If a baby is restless at night, often wakes up crying in the middle of the night, it might be due to a calcium deficiency. It is recommended to supplement with Icodextrin and calcium gluconate, and to have the child checked for trace elements at the hospital.