A child’s frequent crying might be due to weakness, constitution, or psychological issues. It’s recommended to enhance nutrition, supplement vitamins and trace elements, and seek professional medical assistance.
What to Do When a Child Wants to Go Online During Exams?
How to deal with the behavior of an 11-year-old child who is not proactive in learning and loves to lie?
Children waking up from nightmares, how can we help them escape from the bad dreams?
Reasons for a Teenager’s Quick Temper and Anger, and Tips for Dealing With It
Why might a child be unable to concentrate during tutoring sessions? Are there any suggested solutions?
How to choose the appropriate medical department for assessment and treatment for children with intellectual issues.
Understanding why a 6-year-old child may eat boogers and how to correct this habit through psychological therapy and behavioral therapy.
Explore the psychological phenomenon of children feeling scared and not daring to look up when they see others, and provide professional treatment suggestions.
Putting fingers in the mouth is not a sign of a lack of trace elements in children, but may be due to stress or a lack of security. Parents should help children break this habit, as they are no longer so young. When parents see their children doing this, they should not be overly anxious or immediately scold or hit them, as this will only make the child more tense and anxious. Parents should take the following approaches: 1. Ignore the behavior; 2. Show attention and love; 3. Occupy their hands; 4. Provide appropriate encouragement. If these methods are not effective, it is recommended to seek professional assistance.