A child weighed ten pounds at birth, but their sexual organs are small, and I’m worried if they’re normal.
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is a common childhood infectious disease characterized by blisters appearing on the hands, feet, and mouth.
Explore treatment methods for chronic constipation in children and seek expert advice on effective medication options.
When searching for hospitals suitable for pediatric epilepsy treatment, parents’ awareness and preference for public hospitals are very important. At the same time, attention should be paid to the child’s nutritional intake to enhance their resistance, which is beneficial for the recovery of the illness.
My baby is ten months old and loves getting sick. I’m asking if there are vaccines to lower immunity.
If a child frequently cries and has teary eyes shortly after birth, parents may worry about the risk of esotropia.
Offering medical advice on the treatment of a child’s nasal issues
If a child is 10 months old and still cannot walk independently, possible causes may include brain damage due to respiratory difficulties, premature baby brain disease, and genetic metabolic diseases, among others. A comprehensive and thorough examination is needed.
Treatment and Prevention of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngological Diseases
When Can You Start Feeding Walnuts to Babies?