1-Year-Old-11-Month-Old Daughter with Iron Deficiency Anemia, Iron and Calcium Supplementation Unsuccessful! Fontanel Not Closed, Seeking Professional Opinion

A 1-year-and-11-month-old daughter has been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, despite undergoing iron and calcium supplementation, the effects have been insignificant. Additionally, the child’s fontanel has not closed, measuring approximately 0.5*0.5cm. Although iron and calcium supplementation has been initiated, the results have been unsatisfactory.
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1.5-Year-Old Child Has Diarrhea for 5 Days, Now Lacking Energy – What to Do?

The 1.5-year-old baby has had diarrhea for 5 days and is now feeling extremely weak. Immediate fluid replacement, correction of electrolyte imbalance, and regular stool checks are necessary. If inflammation is detected, symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication should be taken. If the oral administration of montmorillonite is ineffective, consider enema or taking BaoLeAn or MaMiAi to adjust the flora.
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