Learn about the main symptoms of cerebral palsy in children, including developmental delays, motor and language disorders, and the importance of seeking professional medical advice.
Early signs of intellectual disability in children include difficulty with suckling, delayed language development, and learning difficulties.
Intellectual disability is typically characterized by a decline in learning abilities, memory, application skills, and language, as well as a lack of interest in the surrounding environment and social interactions.
Symptoms of intellectual disability include unclear language expression, non-compliance with instructions, and difficulty in learning new knowledge.
Learn about the main symptoms of pediatric cerebral palsy, including abnormal muscle tone and motor disorders, and how to identify these symptoms.
Precocious puberty refers to the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in girls before the age of 8 and in boys before the age of 9.
Learn about the treatment methods for intellectual disability, including early detection, identifying the cause, enlightenment education, and special training to improve intelligence levels.
Discuss the possible causes and corresponding nursing measures for children with weak constitutions.
Understand the causes of cerebral palsy in children and how to improve their condition through appropriate treatment methods.
If a child is 4 years old and still doesn’t speak much, it could be a sign of delayed language development. In addition to interacting more with the child and engaging in language training, consider using traditional Chinese medicine ‘Longmu Zhuanggu Granules’ for treatment.