How to Handle Persistent Fever, Cough, and Runny Nose?

A two-year-old boy has been experiencing persistent fever, cough, and runny nose. He has been diagnosed with tonsillitis and prescribed various medications, including pediatric fever syrup, antiviral oral liquid, children’s hot-clear syrup, monkey ear ring granules, and enema fever treatment. However, his symptoms have not improved. After a follow-up visit, new medications were prescribed, including pediatric fever syrup, children’s hot-clear syrup, azithromycin granules, amoxicillin granules, and Qingjin oral liquid. He also received pulmonary lavage treatment that day but was in a poor state of health with increased coughing and hiccups, reduced mucus, and a normal blood test at night. Concerned about the excessive use of medication and its intensity, the parents seek professional explanation and advice.
3 minutes to read

How to Help a 29-Month-Old Who Won’t Speak?

The child can only say simple words like ‘Dad’, ‘Dou Dou’, ‘Dandan’, and occasionally ‘Mom’. He understands what adults say and expresses his meaning through finger pointing or body movements. He has been checked for trace elements at a local hospital and found to be deficient in calcium, so he has been taking calcium supplements but no other checks have been done. We want to know what checks should be done to find out why the child cannot speak, and how we can help him start speaking.
One minute to read