Treating cerebral palsy patients primarily involves acupuncture to regulate the body’s balance and pay attention to a balanced nutritional supplement.
Explore the treatment methods for intellectual disability, including the importance of rehabilitation training and comprehensive treatment.
Seeking effective treatment methods for pediatric cerebral palsy to help children recover health as soon as possible.
My sister and her husband are confused about their 5-year-old’s cerebral palsy issue. They have tried many methods but none have been effective. Now, they even hesitate to give their child medication. Recently, my brother-in-law sought treatment from a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner using acupuncture.
How to Address Developmental Delays in Babies
A friend’s baby has been acting strangely lately, moving slowly, not liking to bathe, and showing significantly lower intelligence compared to children of the same age. Some people say it’s cerebral palsy. Could this really be cerebral palsy? The friend is very distressed.
A brief introduction to the symptoms and treatment methods of pediatric cerebral palsy
Understanding the management and rehabilitation training for a child with cerebral palsy
Professional answers to the question of how to deal with a four-year-old child with cerebral palsy who can’t sit, stand, walk, swallow, or speak
Understand the phenomenon of thumb involvement in six-month-old infants and its association with cerebral palsy, as well as the measures to deal with it.