What Are the Causes of Pediatric Cerebral Palsy?

My sister’s child is three months old, and he has little energy when breastfeeding, let alone smiling. His neck seems stiff, tilting to one side, and he is constantly moving. My sister took him to the hospital, and the doctor said he has cerebral palsy. There are many causes of cerebral palsy, but it may exceed 1/3. Sometimes, in certain situations, there may be multiple factors. Prenatal factors are the most common, including genetic and chromosomal disorders, congenital infections, brain malformations or developmental abnormalities, fetal brain ischemia and hypoxia. Perinatal factors refer to brain damage that occurs within one week of delivery, including hydrocephalus, neonatal shock, intracranial hemorrhage, sepsis, or central nervous system infection.
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What Are the Onset Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy in Children?

Explore the onset symptoms of cerebral palsy in children, including abnormal posture and muscle tone, muscle weakness, involuntary movements, and ataxia, often accompanied by sensory, cognitive, communication, behavioral disorders, and secondary skeletal muscle abnormalities, as well as potential epilepsy seizures. Treatment methods aim to improve motor function and enhance self-care abilities, including techniques such as positioning therapy, soft tissue stretching, muscle tone adjustment, functional active exercise training, muscle strength and endurance training, balance and coordination control, and physical factor assistance therapy (physical therapy). This information provides an understanding of the onset symptoms of cerebral palsy in children and introduces
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