Considering the content above, the situation may involve poor fetal development during pregnancy.
Repeated fever in infants can be caused by various factors, including infections, connective tissue diseases, and malignant tumors. Understanding the causes and taking appropriate measures is crucial for the child’s health.
The causes and clinical manifestations of pediatric cerebral palsy.
Not long after giving birth, we felt our child was crying extremely fiercely. At first, we thought the child was scared by something. The whole family didn’t believe it and went to another hospital for a check-up. The result was still the same. What are the causes of cerebral palsy? The main causes of cerebral palsy mainly include the following six aspects.
If a child has a recurring fever, it’s recommended to check routine blood test and a chest X-ray, and treat the symptoms accordingly.
This article provides common causes and treatment suggestions for children with persistent fever, including medication and physical cooling methods to help control and alleviate fever symptoms.
If a child is weak and prone to catching colds from a young age, it’s best to take them to a regular, professional hospital for checks before starting treatment.
What causes cold hands and feet in diabetic patients?
Epilepsy is a chronic condition characterized by temporary brain dysfunction caused by abnormal discharge of neurons in the brain. The causes of epilepsy in infants include prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal factors.
There are many reasons why a baby may be restless and cry, such as a lack of trace elements, decreased blood calcium levels causing increased brain and autonomic nervous system excitability, leading to the baby’s restlessness at night.