The treatment for bilateral nephroblastoma in children includes surgical treatment, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, among other comprehensive therapies.
Prevention Methods for Pediatric Malignant Tumors
An elevated CA199 index may be associated with tumor diseases, particularly for female patients, where reproductive system tumors should be ruled out. It is recommended to undergo relevant examinations and consult professional opinions further.
Learn about the treatment methods and precautions for pancreatic cancer.
Explore the relationship between the incidence of cancer and living environment, diet, and other factors, with a focus on the impact of industrial pollution on cancer incidence.
Discussing the possible association between tonsil hardening and cancer
Treatment and Prevention Methods for Cryptococcal Meningitis
Is neuroblastoma inherited from parents?
The production of pleural effusion is mainly due to changes in the rate of pleural fluid production by the parietal pleura or the absorption of pleural fluid by the visceral pleura.
Discussing the Truth About the Toxicity of the Last Breath of Cancer Patients