Explore the causes of neonatal jaundice, how to determine a newborn’s health indices, and understand the impact of breastfeeding on jaundice.
Breast milk stored at 16 degrees Celsius must be warmed before feeding, as warming destroys the function of the autoimmune proteins. Therefore, it may be better to give the baby formula milk directly.
Considering anemia and other possibilities, it is recommended to seek dietary therapy and medical treatment for newborn diseases.
Learn about potential skin issues caused by breast milk on a baby’s face and appropriate care methods.
The Daily Calcium Requirement for Breastfeeding Mothers
Understand the possible causes and appropriate handling methods of a 1-month-old baby’s vomiting to ensure the healthy growth of your baby.
A 50-day-old baby has varying stool colors, sometimes yellow and sometimes green, with occasional brown mucus. The baby is exclusively breastfed and in good spirits. For the past three to four days, the stool has been yellow, green, and occasionally contains brown mucus. No history or effect of treatment.
Learn how to properly handle a four-month-old baby’s diarrhea, including dietary adjustments and daily care suggestions.
Learn about the treatment methods for diarrhea in a three-month-old baby, including the use of external umbilical cord plasters, probiotics, and dietary adjustments for breastfeeding mothers.
Discussing the possible causes and corresponding treatment methods of diarrhea in infants after exclusive breastfeeding.