Is 37.4 Degrees Celsius Normal for Children?

Whether a child’s body temperature of 37.4 degrees Celsius is normal depends on various factors, including time of day, activity level, and environmental temperature. Generally, if the baby is in good general condition, lively, and without any other symptoms or signs, a brief and slight fluctuation in body temperature may be normal.
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Is a 2-Year-Old Baby’s Axillary Temperature Normal at 37.3 Degrees?

The axillary temperature of a 2-year-old boy ranges between 36.7 to 37.3 degrees Celsius. After sleeping, it drops to 37.1 degrees, and in the morning, it measures at 36.7 degrees. He has been experiencing this frequently, with a slightly warmer head and body temperature fluctuating between 37 to 37.3 degrees, sometimes dropping to 36.7 degrees. After taking a nap, his temperature returns to normal, currently at 37.2 degrees. Is this a fever?
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