What are the Symptoms of ADHD?

The main symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) include attention deficit, hyperactivity, emotional instability, cognitive impairment, and behavioral issues. Additionally, patients may exhibit traits such as high self-esteem, strong ego, intense curiosity, and abundant energy.
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What to Do About Children Who Frequently Bite Their Nails?

Sucking on fingers or biting nails in children is generally not due to a deficiency of certain trace elements but rather a habit issue, commonly seen in children aged 3 to 6. Most children can stop the nail-biting behavior as they grow older, while a few persistent cases may continue into adulthood. Pediatric health issues have always been a concern for parents, and when treating this condition, it is important to consider general treatment. Parents can only help children recover quickly from the disease using the correct methods, thus avoiding any impact on their growth and development. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to their children’s situations and seek medical treatment in a timely manner.
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