Can There Be Side Effects from a Child Taking the Xingpi Yang’er Granules for a Month?

Question: Can there be side effects if a child takes Xingpi Yang’er Granules continuously for a month? Answer: A 3-year-old child with bedwetting should be ruled out for occult spina bifida, which can be confirmed through an abdominal X-ray. If diagnosed with for occult spina bifida, treatment can be withheld and allowed to heal naturally as the child grows, otherwise medication is required. Xingpi Yang’er Granules are used to treat symptoms caused by spleen and qi deficiency in children, such as anorexia, nausea and vomiting, irritability, thirst, nocturnal enuresis, and night crying. They need to be taken continuously for 1-3 months, being a traditional Chinese medicine preparation with no side effects. It is recommended to confirm the absence of for occult spina bifida through an abdominal X-ray before deciding on medication or observation.
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How Effective is the Treatment for Bedwetting in Children?

Bedwetting in children is a condition caused by various factors due to incomplete brain development and insufficient spleen and kidney function. Treatment can be attempted through spleen and kidney tonification methods, such as using Yiwei Pian, Shuquan Wan, or Zhiren soaked in water. These methods are effective in improving poor spleen and kidney function, reducing bedwetting and seminal emission, and can also enhance intelligence and promote the growth and development of the spleen and kidneys. If bedwetting does not heal for a long time, it is recommended to adjust the treatment plan in a timely manner.
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How to Treat Bedwetting in Children?

Every child’s bedwetting situation is different, and the treatment methods vary from person to person. After relevant examinations, treatment can be carried out under the guidance of a clinical doctor, using appropriate medication. Additionally, changing certain lifestyle habits or behavioral guidance can also help the child. For instance, it’s important to limit fluid intake before bedtime and ensure the child uses the bathroom before going to sleep. Psychological guidance should also be provided to avoid excessive pressure and anxiety for the child.
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