How to treat baby constipation with blood?
Offers treatment suggestions for baby toxemia, including using emollient creams, bathing, and applying herbal ointments.
Understanding the Treatment Methods for Pediatric Otitis Media
Treatment methods and precautions for cavernous hemangioma
What are the correct burping positions for newborns?
How to determine if a baby’s stool is normal in terms of color and texture after adding solid foods?
Explore the potential risks and benefits of sleeping on the stomach, as well as how to ensure the safety and health of your baby.
A six-month-old baby has been experiencing diarrhea for 5-6 days. The parent wonders if it’s safe to continue with baby food and, if so, what types of baby food are appropriate and how often it should be fed.
What could be the reason for a nine-month-old baby’s palms and soles feeling hot?
Recurring diarrhea in children may be caused by catching a cold or viral gastroenteritis. It is recommended to seek medical attention and use medications like Simethicone and Mamylove under a doctor’s guidance for treatment.