What to Do If Your Baby Talks Unnaturally?

The baby is now 4 years and 8 months old, and has had a bit of a lisp since he started talking, with the condition fluctuating. The child speaks in an unnatural manner, showing signs of stammering. It is important to pay attention to slowing down the child’s speaking rate, and parents should not be overly sensitive to this issue. Avoid scolding or spanking, and do not particularly remind them or make fun of them, as this can only exacerbate the stammering. Additionally, when speaking to the child, parents should speak softly and slowly to ensure they can clearly hear each sound. However, do not make the child feel corrected, as this may lead to resentment. Furthermore, you can often play some beautifully voiced, fluent reading recordings for the child to listen to. After they are familiar with them, guide them to read along with you. When the child performs well, encourage them immediately to boost their confidence in learning language.
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