Pediatrics - What to Eat for Effective Treatment of Baby Iron Deficiency Anemia

My child always has a yellowish complexion and often feels dizzy. A check-up revealed symptoms of anemia. What should I feed my baby for effective treatment of iron deficiency anemia? It might be iron deficiency anemia, and excessive bleeding can also lead to anemia. In addition to medication, anemia can also be stabilized through dietary supplements. For example, if iron is deficient, you can eat vegetables like celery, lean meat, and soy sauce, and consume more nutritious foods. Different causes lead to different symptoms, so patients should seek a systematic and standardized examination at a regular three-level A hospital as soon as possible to receive targeted treatment. Moreover, patients should maintain a regular lifestyle, do a good job of keeping warm, eat light and soft foods in daily meals, ensure good ventilation, and drink plenty of hot water.
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