Babies who are six months old should not drink Shuangwaiya yogurt as it contains a high amount of additives and preservatives that may affect their digestive system.
A nine-month-old baby can consume starch in moderation, but should primarily focus on easily digestible fermented foods, and gradually reduce the frequency of breastfeeding while increasing solid food intake.
One-year-old babies can eat abalone roe, and it can be paired with other ingredients such as soft noodles, egg custard, tofu, rice porridge, various chopped vegetables, fish meat, minced lean meat, and so on. Starting from grains, gradually expand to vegetables, fruits, fish meat, poultry eggs, and dairy products. You can also choose some baby nutrition supplement products.
A one-year-old baby’s diet should primarily consist of easily digestible and absorbable foods, such as congee, and requires careful nurturing and attentive care.
Many new mothers enjoy eating pomegranates and sometimes give the seeds to their babies. But can a six-month-old baby eat pomegranates? This article will objectively answer this question.