Can Babies Take Ganeden?

Ganeden can enhance a baby’s immunity, making it suitable for those with weak constitutions. It is recommended to use it according to the baby’s physical condition and not to use it arbitrarily. If the child frequently has high fevers and convulsions, it may be due to factors such as weak constitution, low immunity, and underdeveloped brain function. Pay attention to preventing colds and infectious diseases, and you can undergo brain CT or MRI, EEG, and other examinations to rule out brain diseases.
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Can Babies Use Likkang Lotion?

Likkang Lotion contains many traditional Chinese medicine ingredients and does not contain hormones, making it safe for babies to use. However, since their skin is more sensitive, it is recommended to use it in moderation. If the problem does not improve, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly.
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Can baby bath water be mixed with flower water or ten drops of water?

During the summer, it is not advisable to add flower water or ten drops of water to a baby’s bath without reason, as this could cause skin allergies. It is sufficient to bathe the child with plain water, and if it is particularly hot, you can increase the frequency of baths. A small amount of baby powder or talcum powder can also be used, but use it sparingly.
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