Is It Normal for a Baby on Mixed Breastfeeding to Have Diarrhea-Like Stools?

When a baby is on a mixed feeding regimen of breast milk and formula, soft, pasty stools may be a normal phenomenon. However, if you’re concerned about digestion issues, consider giving the baby probiotics to regulate the intestines. For adults experiencing indigestion, it’s advisable to avoid greasy foods and consider using Baohetang pills or ingredients like fresh ginger and scallion whites for treatment.
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Is It Normal for a Baby to Vomit After Eating Milk?

A cesarean section mother inquires about her baby, who slept for an hour after eating milk and then vomited in large amounts. The baby also experienced rumbling stomach noises and a decrease in bowel movements, which have been occurring for the past few days. She wonders if these symptoms are normal.
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