How to Determine If a Baby Is Experiencing Night Sweats

Baby night sweats may be caused by calcium deficiency, requiring enhanced nutrition, increased consumption of bone broth, and more sun exposure. Treatment includes medications such as Lysine, dextroamphetamine, and pemoline, with tricyclic antidepressants being another effective option. Begin with a low dose and gradually increase to an effective dosage before switching to maintenance treatment.
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How to Handle a 17-Month-Old Baby with a Fever of 38.5°C

A baby’s body temperature above 37.5°C indicates a fever. Initially, you can try physical cooling methods, such as dressing the baby in lighter clothing, using fever-reducing patches, or wiping the body with warm water. If the temperature exceeds 38.5°C, consider giving the baby fever-reducing medication. However, be cautious not to administer medication too early or in excessive amounts, as this may weaken the baby’s own ability to resist diseases.
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How to Handle a 2-Month-Old’s Nighttime Crying?

Your baby is 2 months old and has been crying a lot at night recently. This could be due to discomfort, a lack of trace elements, too hot environment, or incorrect sleeping posture. It is suggested to reduce deep sleep during the day, check for trace elements, and maintain a quiet and appropriate temperature of the environment.
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