Febrile Children with Gastroenteritis Not Responding to Antipyretics Above 38 Degrees

A patient suddenly developed a fever last Monday, followed by diarrhea and abdominal pain. After taking some huanglian powder, the condition improved. However, the fever rose to over 39 degrees last night, and antipyretics did not reduce it. This morning, after taking huoxiang zhengqi capsules, the fever was again over 39 degrees, and it dropped to 38 degrees after taking the antipyretic.
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How Effective is the Treatment for Low Fever in Pediatric Tonsillitis?

It is recommended for parents to choose appropriate antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications under a doctor’s guidance, which can effectively alleviate inflammatory symptoms. Regional rinsing or spraying can also be performed, and symptomatic medications can be injected into the tonsils. The efficacy is generally good. Painkillers can be administered based on the child’s condition, especially when the throat pain is severe, which can help relieve suffering. Children with fever symptoms can take antipyretic medications. In severe cases, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly. If the medication is not effective and the condition recurs, surgical treatment may be considered. At the same time, attention should be paid to arranging a reasonable diet and sleeping habits for the child to help the disease recover as soon as possible.
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How to Diagnose and Treat a Child’s tonsillitis with Crying and Distress

Antibiotics and antipyretics are the main methods for treating childhood tonsillitis, and combined with local treatment can enhance the therapeutic effect. If the child continues to have a fever without relief, oral antipyretics can be taken. Surgery is suitable for recurrent attacks, and attention should be paid to a light diet and nutritional supplements to aid recovery.
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How to Handle a Six-Month-Old Baby’s Fever?

A baby boy, a few months old, has been running a fever recently. It’s the kind of fever that subsides for a moment and then returns. He eats dinner normally but cries constantly. How should one handle a six-month-old baby’s fever? The baby has a low-grade fever and doesn’t need antipyretics at the moment. Encourage the baby to drink more water, observe carefully, and the baby doesn’t need antipyretics as low-grade fever has a protective effect for babies, indicating their own fight against bacteria and viruses. Monitor the baby’s body temperature closely; only use antipyretics if the temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees. Patients should seek immediate and systematic examinations at a regular Grade A hospital based on their condition to receive targeted treatment and recover quickly.
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