Explore the symptoms, causes, and treatment methods of ADHD in children
Discuss the possibility of treating ADHD in children, providing professional treatment methods and advice.
Can children with ADHD manage their symptoms solely through willpower?
Is medication treatment necessary for a child with ADHD?
Objective advice and precautions for choosing medication for the treatment of childhood ADHD.
How parents can help children with ADHD conduct home training
Wondering if a child has ADHD? Tests such as the flip test can be conducted. If the child exhibits awkward or irregular movements during the flip test and the little finger cannot be flat on the table, it may be diagnosed as a positive for ADHD. Further medical examinations are then needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Explore treatment methods for ADHD in children and how to enhance academic performance, providing professional guidance and advice for parents.
ADHD Massage Therapy for Children: Parents can place their hands under the baby’s armpits and gently push up to the waist, which helps to regulate liver Qi and reduce weak.
Treatment Methods and Recommendations for ADHD in Children