What should be done if a one-year-old child shows symptoms like thinning yellow hair, loss of appetite, and dry stools?
After biliary atresia repair surgery, if there are still functional bile ducts in the liver, liver transplant surgery can be considered.
Longmu Zhuanggu Pill is a compound Chinese herbal medicine used to treat and prevent rickets and osteomalacia, and to help improve digestion and increase appetite.
How is lordosis treated in pediatric surgery?
What diseases can pediatric surgery treat? What are the symptoms of lymph nodes?
Is it appropriate to use Lysine Vitamin B12 Granules for a three-month-old baby?
Inquiring about the possibility of taking medications for treating rickets and calcium supplements at the same time.
Recommendations for correcting mild pigeon chest in children
Generally, mosquito bites do not cause fever in children, but infections may lead to fever.
Is it possible for my child to receive the imported Hepatitis B vaccine for the third shot?