Generally, adults with a low fever do not need to take antipyretics; just drink plenty of water. If the fever is caused by inflammation, medication is required. For a low fever, it is preferable to take acetaminophen tablets, preferably in a single formulation. Combination formulas containing acetaminophen are also acceptable, such as Vitamin C Silver Balsam etc.
How to Handle a Baby’s Wound Bleeding
It is not recommended to use iodine alcohol for baby’s navel inflammation due to its high irritability. Medical alcohol or iodophor can be used for disinfection. If there are symptoms such as bleeding or purulent discharge, the child should be taken to the hospital for a medical examination to determine if it is the cause of navel inflammation.
Based on your description, if your baby is 1 year old, can you wait until they are 2 years old to get the chickenpox vaccine? Here’s the answer.
Inquiry about whether receiving blood at birth affects the administration of the A meningococcal vaccine.
Infant bile duct obstruction is treatable, and early treatment yields better results. There is a possibility of repair if the liver function has not been severely damaged. Active treatment should be pursued based on the changes in the condition.
The first step in treating infant convulsions is to rule out whether they are caused by fever, low blood calcium, or low blood magnesium. Treatment may include oral calcium gluconate and Icacin, along with sunbathing and consuming calcium-rich foods such as bone soup, codfish soup, and lean meat.
Infant rib flaring has the potential to be restored through calcium supplementation, but it depends on the severity of the condition.
Discuss the treatment possibilities for infant rickets and how to improve the condition through the supplementation of Vitamin A, calcium, and Vitamin D.
Can infant rickets be cured?