Can Babies Take Baohuan Pill?

Babies may not like the bitter taste of Baohuan Pill. It is recommended to crush the pills and mix them with water for feeding, and have candy ready to help the child accept the medication. Encourage the child to drink plenty of water and consume fibrous vegetables to aid digestion.
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Can Babies Take Cefodin Dispersible Tablets?

The normal armpit temperature for infants is generally between 36-37 degrees Celsius. Feeding milk or rice, exercise, crying, wearing too many clothes, or a high room temperature can temporarily raise an infant’s body temperature to around 37.5 degrees Celsius, even occasionally reaching 38 degrees.
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Can Babies Use Air Conditioning When They Have a Fever?

It is recommended to avoid using air conditioning when a baby has a fever. If it is necessary to use it, adjust the temperature higher and ensure the baby stays warm. If the body temperature rises again to 40 degrees, consider taking fever-reducing medication or seeking medical assistance.
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