A parent inquires about the treatment methods for their 1-year-and-4-month-old baby who has rickets, O-shaped legs, and pigeon chest.
How to handle the early symptoms and nutritional supplementation of baby rickets
Newborn rickets can be improved through appropriate treatment
The timing of the surgery for baby scrotal sac hydrops can be postponed depending on the situation.
Understanding the Causes of Baby Sternum Protrusion and Treatment Suggestions
After taking fever-reducing medicine, the baby’s temperature rose again to 40.3 degrees Celsius. How should this be handled?
If a baby’s stool test shows an abnormal white blood cell count, do they need to take anti-inflammatory medication? This article provides suggestions for handling the situation.
Inquiry on whether baby’s symptoms belong to infantile convulsions
Is it normal for a baby to start teething at three months old, and what is the scope of pediatric surgery?
Understand the timeline for baby’s walking development and related pediatric consultation issues.