How should a baby’s ear shell issue be handled?
A baby’s eardrum usually doesn’t get punctured, but there may be other reasons for ear discomfort.
Issues and Prevention Measures of Deformed Baby Ears
HIV (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) often shows no clinical symptoms in the early stages, or only lymphadenopathy.
Considerations for Flying After Ear Drainage in a One-Year-Old Child
Can a 1-Year-Old Fly After Having Their Ear Fluid Extracted and How Long Should They Wait?
Pediatric spasmodic cough is a respiratory difficulty symptom caused by laryngeal muscle spasms, usually accompanied by coughing and difficulty breathing.
For a 23-month-old child suffering from adenoid hypertrophy, whether surgery is advisable and recommended treatment methods.
A 5-year-old child suffering from rhinitis and bilateral tonsillar enlargement seeks treatment advice.
A child has had sinusitis for several years, with symptoms including runny nose, eye itching, and nasal congestion. A sinus CT scan and nasal endoscopy may be required for diagnosis. Nasal drops containing 1% ephedrine can improve drainage, and symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication can be administered via intravenous injection and oral treatment with Huo Dan Wan. It is also important to strengthen physical exercise to enhance the immune system and prevent colds. It is recommended to seek medical attention promptly and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment. Regular exercise and attention to preventing heat should be maintained to help the child recover quickly.