Pectus carinatum, a common pediatric orthopedic issue caused by calcium deficiency, is typically treated by supplementing with calcium and proper nutritional adjustments.
The causes of night sweats in children can be numerous, and a thorough examination is required to determine them. It is recommended to check for tuberculosis infection or weakness of the body, and consider traditional Chinese medicine or Xuehan Ting Granules for treatment.
Around the age of 5, children often complain of leg pain, which may indicate osteoarthritis. Treatment includes oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroitin medications, among others.
Consultation on the Treatment of Pediatric Osteosarcoma
Treatment Consultation for Pediatric Osteosarcoma
Is nosebleed without touching the nose a sign of internal hemorrhage in children?
A child around 5 years old, frequently complains of leg pain, may have cerebral palsy, with treatment focusing on cell permeation repair therapy.
Discuss the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric pelvic tumors, as well as postoperative care and recovery.
A six-month-old baby is unable to stand or sit up; the left foot cannot be placed flat, what could be the reasons?
Offer consultation on pediatric recurrent fever of unknown etiology