An 8-year-old girl has a height of only 106 centimeters and a slow growth rate. How should treatment be approached?
A baby with an extra boneless knuckle on the right hand finger can consider plastic surgery, which is generally effective and not overly expensive. Treatment is possible under the right conditions.
A baby twisted their big toe while playing, now it’s red, swollen, and hot. Asking for treatment advice
Explore the treatment methods for a fifth metatarsal fracture, including cast and external fixation and Kirschner wire fixation, as well as appropriate post-fracture care measures.
What should be done when a child is found to have abnormal knee bending at six months, with a frog splint applied for four months?
A regional mild inversion deformity in the knee area, which can be observed or improved through the use of corrective devices and rehabilitation exercises.
X-Shaped legs, a common orthopedic issue in children.
A four-and-a-half-year-old boy has multiple endochondromas, and current recommendations suggest pediatric orthopedic surgery treatment, along with attention to daily care and diet.
A four-and-a-half-year-old boy has his ribs poking above the right nipple, with the inner ribs on the right side higher than the left. It feels like a bone is sticking out, and there’s no pain when pressed. What could this be? Is it ribcage deformity or a lack of calcium?
An expert suggests surgical treatment for a four-and-a-half-year-old child with multiple swellings on the left fingers of his hand.